Monday, October 22, 2012

Issues on Salaam Wanita

Many single mothers have it tough. They have to take care of their children, household as well as become the sole breadwinner of the family. It is not easy juggling the three main task as it takes a lot of patience, time, endurance and commitment . Hence, it is not surprising that many cannot manage it themselves. These are a few recent events that illustrate why single mothers are in need of dire help:

Runaway Maid Establishes a Prima Facie

Son Fell to His Death

These are just two cases published in the newspapers about single mothers having trouble to cope with their lives. This can be greatly avoided if we can help them to merge any two of the tasks together in the most efficient way. We at eHomemakers encourage single mothers to work from their homes as they would be close by to care for their children, able to work with more flexible hours as well as able to manage the housework. It is our aim to help the single mothers out there to cope with their lives, to live better lives.