Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How To Live Life on Purpose - Introduction

Compiled by: Joshua Lu Zhiwang 

“I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be ‘happy’. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible to be compassionate. It is above all, to matter: to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.”

Leo Calvin Rosten
Passions and Prejudices

Accepting this challenge begins with a desire to go beyond where you are now.

It requires a personal decision to move out of your individual comfort zone, existing status quo, or any kind of mediocre mentality that might hold you back.

It is only after the fire of your desire is ignited that you will be ready and able to apply the dynamic strategies for living above and beyond the ordinary.

Unfortunately, people create all sorts of false barriers, also known as “glass ceilings”, that keeps them from fulfilling their purpose in their lives. Because the ceilings are made of glass, they often aren’t even aware of the barriers and cannot understand why they matter. As a result, they drift along in life feeling as if they have no purpose or value.

When you look at yourself in a mirror, what do you see?

What do you say to that reflection looking back at you? Do you like what you see? Would you like to change something about yourself? (and not just physical characteristics)?

However, this exercise is important, because you must see yourself clearly before you can go beyond from where you are.

We need to see ourselves through other people, because without seeing and understanding, we have a distorted image of our own lives.

One thing we know about glass is that it is easily broken. By applying powerful thinking principles, you can shatter the glass ceilings in your life and live by discovering the destiny and purpose of your live.

Moving from where you are to where you want or need to be doesn't happen automatically, but it can happen deliberately in the process of time if you are willing to risk moving out of your pattern or neutral normality.

Mistakes aren't failures, and they are worth the risk. Champion hockey player Wayne Gretzky expressed so well what it means to risk failure in order to gain success.  He said, “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.” If what you have been doing to move out of neutral isn't working, then risk trying something new; and don’t be afraid of a few mistakes and bumps along the way.
       Sometimes all it takes to move up is a small change in your daily habits, a different way of looking at things, or a willingness to get up one more time when you've been knocked down.
      Living above and beyond the ordinary is to know failure isn't fatal. Your belief isn't futile. In reality, the only difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary life is that little extra effort. The key is to do what you can today so that you are closer to your potential tomorrow.
      Where you are now is not all there is, and what you are now is not all you are to be. Living above and beyond the ordinary is knowing what you want, what you are willing to reach for, what price you are willing to pay to push yourself out of your existing comfort zone. If is about finding solutions to get you out of your rut, which is a grave with the ends kicked out!

       It is a progress which cannot occur without change, because change is the price you must pay for progress.
       Today is the day to begin living beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary.

       By doing this, life will surely count for something and make a difference in the lives of those around you.