Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How To Live Life on Purpose - The Power of Vision

Many people today live in one of two realms, and neither of which exist.
These two realms are the past and the future.

Why do they live this way?

Primarily because they do not understand the need of a strategy for the present in order to leave the past and powerfully step into a better future.

Some people remain chained to a past that never allows them to experience the fresh beginnings of a new day.
Others relish the future but choose to ignore the present in hopes that it will disappear.

What they lack is vision- a strategy that provides the entry way to living. People of vision understand that the past is their teacher, the present is their opportunity, and the future is not their enemy or something to be shunned or feared.

Vision is not a complicated mystery that only a select few can unveil. Vision is that ignites our desire, gives us purpose, and motivates ur toward accomplishment.

Helen Keller, a woman born without sight or hearing, who impacted many lives as a leader and a stateswoman, was  asked,” what can possibly be worse than being born blind?” She promptly responded, “having sight without vision.”

The value of vision cannot be overstated. Don’t allow this personally significant word to become something trite because of its overuse. Value the vision you desired to ignite in yourself, because your vision provides a strategy that guarantees a journey of fulfilment and joy.

Step into what is already designed for you.

Your Vision Is Your Future

A Bridge To The Future

Vision is an unformed bridge from the present to the future tahat leads you from where you are to where you need to be.
When you “see” a vision, you “see” your desired future state, and it becomes the purpose of everything you do, motivating you every hour of everyday.
Vision helps you envision the future as it releases you from your past and causes you to look beyond the present.

Vision: A map And A Compass

Vision is like a map and a compass, the vital tools needed in times of decision to steer you in the right direction and keep your eyes on the destination.

Envision The Future And Release The Past
Envision a vision that
Evolves into a detailed plan,
Equipping you to implement an
Empowering strategy for life.

To practice envisioning your future, follow these steps:
1)     Expand your horizons by stretching your imagination.
2)     Nurture new ideas.
3)     Vote for positive changes with a welcoming attitude.
4)     Imagine the impossible.
5)     Stay ahead of tomorrow.
6)     Invent the future.
7)     Operate expectantly.
8)     Notice unlimited opportunity.