Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How To Live Life on Purpose - Take Your Temperature on Vision

Take your Temperature On Vision

Helen Keller once said:
“I am only one, but I am one,
I cannot do everything but I can do something.
What I can do I ought to do,
What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.”

She could have wallowed in darkness and self-pity, but she chose to be a light to everyone she touched. Helen Keller chose not to live in the lofty heights of empty clouds and made a significant difference in people’s lives because her vision had a purposeful direction and end result.

Imparting Vision

People fit into one of four vision levels:
1) Wanderers: Those who never see it.
2) Followers: Those who see it but never pursue it on their own.
3) Achievers: Those who see it and pursue it.
4) Leaders: Those who see it and pursue it and help others see it.

Without Vision, there will be no spark - just a status quo, maintenance lifestyle. You will end up doing what you think you should do instead of what you were created to do. Doing what you should do gets old quickly, doing what you were created to do is exciting. Vision is the motivation, it’s the desire to do what you were meant for.

Develop The Way Of A Winner

Continual growth is the difference between winning and losing. A winner presses on to grow, change and expand, always stretching beyond the ordinary.

A winner knows his calling and purposefully strives to fulfill it.
Everyone knows you can’t win a race if you stop and stand still.
Most people push the blame off on their environment, on events that have occurred in the past, or on people who have wronged them.

They don’t realize that if they keep on doing what they’ve always done, they’ll keep getting what they've always gotten.