Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Scanning Name Card Process

Scanning in on an A4 (Portrait)

1. Connect any scanner to the computer

2. Open any scan program (i.e. HP scan program or Windows Live Fax and Scan) and ensure that the scanner is connected; otherwise some scan programs may not open or would not scan.

3. Scanning should be on Portrait size for A4

4. Cards should be placed towards you face down and placed at the bottom half of the scanner

a) Horizontal cards should be 5 in a row

b) Vertical cards should be 3 in a row

5. Choose between 5 file types to choose from (Bitmap, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and PDF). Choose either JPEG or PDF.

6. Scan card by pressing scan button on the HP scan program

7. Once scan, review scanned image

a) Image should show on A4 Portrait size

b) Image should be showing on the left side of the A4 paper

8. Also if there are many cards, you scan them on multiple pages by pressing the Add button located in the scan program. The Add (+) button will automatically scan the cards; therefore it is required to replace the cards first.

9. If there is a mistake in scanning, you can delete and rescan image, by pressing the Remove (X) button on the scan program. Proceed to the next step if there are no mistakes.

10. To scan for both sides of the cards, scan the front side first and then hit the Add button to scan the back side of the card. You will need to flip the cards first before scanning them. Scanning is similar to the Step 8.

11. Indicate in the name that the cards are front or back (i.e. Company X front and Company Y back). To save time, no need to type full name of company, just first few alphabets for identification purposes.

12. Email with scanned images should be sent out to recipient and attach only a maximum of 6 JPEG or 6 PDF files per email. One file contains 1 page of 5 or 3 cards (front and back). IN the email, subject: type the name of the assignment

Email- Sending to recipients:

1. Not all recipients’ email can receive many attachments, and not everyone knows how to open a zip file or has zip programs.

2. Send zip files only if they know what to do. If not, to send one file at a time to be safe and with Subject that indicates the attachment name (company name in brief + filename + number of cards): XYZ 1 or XYZ 2 (XYZ is company name.) or XYZ3. The Subject is used to indicate the email sequence for tracking and monitoring purposes.

In the email, type:

Dear ,

Here is the document for data-entry – XYZdoc1 with X number of cards. Please inform the supervisor (name) after you have finished the data-entry.

Thank you.

3. If you send more than one document in one email so that the recipient can receive 2-3 (should not send more than 4 documents to be safe) attachments, your subject should be : XYZ1 or XYZ2, or XYZ3 ( to indicate the email sequence)

In the email, type:

Dear ,

Here are the documents for data-entry –

XYZdoc1 with 5 cards

XYZdoc2 with 5 cards

XYZ doc3 with 5 cards

Total cards sent in this email: 15

Please inform the supervisor (name) after you have finished the data-entry. Thank you.