Showing posts with label IT Guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IT Guide. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2017

Camtasia Studio - Screen Recording and Video Editing Tool

The app provides you with the tools to record your computer screen and then edit those recordings into professional videos. Camtasia Studio also then allows you to share them directly from within the app to YouTube, Google Drive and Screencast.

Camtasia Studio provides a nice feature set inside a fluid interface, which you will find easy to navigate. The app allows you to record either the screen or a PowerPoint presentation. Once recorded, you can make use of the vast tool set to finalise your video and make it complete. Tools include: multiple transition options, voice narration, zoom and pan effects, cursor effects, captions and more.

Key features:
 - Library: Save editing time and achieve consistency by storing callouts, title slides, or an entire intro sequence for later reuse.
- YouTube upload: Produce and upload HD-quality videos to YouTube without leaving the app.
- Copy and paste: Reuse transitions, zooms and other effects by copying and pasting into different spots on the timeline or add it to the library.
- Keystroke callouts: Make keystrokes visible as Camtasia Studio takes note of any keyboard short-cuts used during recording and shows the keys as a graphic overlay.
- Enhanced callouts: New callout styles provide support for image transparency.
- Sketch motion callouts: Bring attention to the important components of your videos with animated shapes.

Overall, Camtasia Studio is a fully comprehensive app for creating good looking, professional videos using screen capture. The user interface is simple to grasp and the feature set is more than average. Camtasia Studio is free for 30 days, but the full purchase price is $299.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Make Your Own E-Books and Talking Books

For those of you working on literacy and readers apps, the information below might be of interest.

Mr Koen den Hartogh, a visiting literacy and ICT expert from SIL share the information about the SIL’s Open tools for making e-Books and their Android app for talking books. Koen is currently managing SIL’s Education for Life Project in PNG. Their My Talking library project is driven by a mobile app (Android) that allows users to adapt educational content to their language situation. The software allows anybody to easily publish e-Books with audio in an Android app format. The Talking books are available for free download to smart phones and tablets.

The e-Book publication tool is at 

Both are developed by SIL and are Open Source and are really geared for multilingual literacy development.

Free Software For Making Animated Video

I.      Powtoon

Website Url :

           ·        Free users have the rights to create promotional / commercial videos.
           ·        A lot of layout, background and features are available for free user.
           ·        One video cannot exceed 5 minutes for a free user.
           ·        Users need to use PowToon Logo/Watermark in the video.
           ·        Quality of the video when exporting the file is limited (480p maximum).

II.    Moovly

           ·        Pretty Similar to PowToon.
           ·        Might be harder to learn/use for first time users who have not created any video                      before (compared to PowToon).
           ·        Free user can make a video last for 10 minutes (longer compared to other                                software).
·        Quality of the video when exporting the file is limited (480p maximum).
·        Users need to use Moovly Logo/Watermark in the video.

III.   Animaker

·        More than one person can work at the same time (Similar to Google Doc).
·        The software is easy to use/learn for a first time user (there’s also a tutorial on how to use the software).
·        For a free user, the maximum duration for one video is only 2 minutes.
·        Transition effects are limited from one slide to another.
·        Users need to use Animaker Watermark in the video.

IV.    Pivot Animator

·        There is no watermark in the video for free user.
·        Might be hard for a first time user.
·        Only suitable for making stick figures video.
·        Not as fancy compared to the other software on the list.

V.      Prezi
Website Url:

·        The software is easy to use/learn for a first time user.
·        Prezi is usually used to make interesting presentations. The users need to use another software (screen recorder) to make it as a video.
·        Users need to use Prezi Logo/Watermark in the video.
·        There might be limitations in some aspects (fonts, colors and predetermined presentation structures).

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Effective Use of Email

Article by: Abhik Biswas, Technology Evangelist and Entrepreneur, previously worked for Cisco Systems, Computer Associates, Hewlett Packard etc. Chief Marketing Officer at CommGate, Inc. (
Published on Extraordinary Lives, Volume 3 Issue 7, 2007.

Being the owner of your own business, everyone wants a piece of you. So they send you email. It makes you feel important. Don't you love it? Really? Then, please take some of mine! More than 100 real emails come in each day. At three minutes apiece, it will take five hours just to read and respond. Let's not even think about the messages that take six minutes of work to deal with. Shudder. I'm buried in email and chances are, you're not far behind. For whatever reason, everyone feels compelled to keep you 'in the loop.'

Readers Bear the Burden
Before email, senders shouldered the burden of mail. Writing, stamping and mailing a letter was a lot of work. Plus, each new addressee meant more stationary cost and postage, so we thought hard about whom to send things to.
With free sending to an infinite number of people now a reality, every little thought and impulse becomes instant communication. Our most pathetic meanderings become deep thoughts that we happily blast to six dozen colleagues who surely can't wait. On the receiving end, we collect these gems of wisdom from the dozens around us. The result: Inbox overload.
Taming email means training the senders to put the burden of quality back on themselves.

How to Send Better Email
What's the best way to train everyone around you to better email habits? You guessed it: You go first. First, you say, "In order for me to make you more productive, I'm going to adopt this new policy to lighten your load..." Demonstrate a policy for a month, and if people like it, ask them to start doing it too.
Use a subject line to summarize, not describe. People scan their inbox by subject. Make your subject rich enough that your readers can decide whether it's relevant. The best way to do this is to summarize your message in your subject.
You're probably sending email because you're deep in thought about something. Your reader is, too, only they're deep in thought about something else. Even worse, in a multi-person conversation, messages and replies may arrive out of order. And no, it doesn't help to include the entire past conversation when you reply; it's rude to force someone else to wade through ten screens of messages because you're too lazy to give them context. So, start off your messages with enough context to orient your reader.

What They Should Do
When you copy lots of people (a practice that should be used sparingly), mark out why each person should care. Just because you send a message to six poor co-workers doesn't mean all six know what to do when they get it. Ask yourself why you're sending to each recipient, and let them know at the start of the message what they should do with it. Big surprise, but this also forces you to consider why you're including each person.
Use separate messages rather than bcc (blind carbon copy). If you bcc someone 'just to be safe,' think again. Ask yourself what you want the 'copied' person to know, and send a separate message if needed. Yes, it's more work for you, but if we all do it, it's less overload.

Make it Clear
Make action requests clear. If you want things to get done, say so. Clearly. There's nothing more frustrating as a reader than getting copied on an email and finding out three weeks later that someone expected you to pick up the project and run with it. Summarize action items at the end of a message so everyone can read them at one glance.
Separate topics into separate emails... up to a point. If someone sends a message addressing a dozen topics, some of which you can respond to now and some of which you can't, send a dozen responses - one for each topic. That way, each thread can proceed unencumbered by the others.
Edit forwarded messages. If someone sends you a message, don't forward it along without editing it. Make it appropriate for the ultimate recipient, and make sure it doesn't get the original sender in trouble.
When scheduling a call or conference include the topic in the invitation. It helps people prioritize and manage their calendar more effectively.

One Page or Less
Make sure your email one page or less. Make sure the meat of your email is visible in the preview pane of your recipient's mailer. That means the first two paragraphs should have the meat. Many people never read past the first screen, and very few read pass the third.
Understand how people prefer to be reached and how quickly they respond. Some people are so buried under email that they can't reply quickly. If something's important, use the phone or make a follow up phone call. Do it politely; a delay may not be personal. It might be that someone's overloaded. If you have time-sensitive information, don't assume people have read the email you sent three hours ago rescheduling the meeting that takes place in five minutes. Pick up the phone and call.

Your Only Solution is to Take Action
Yeah, Yeah, you have a million reasons why these ideas can never work in your workplace. Hogwash. I use every one of them and can bring at least a semblance of order to my inbox.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Managing Emails Using Microsoft Outlook

Compiled by Tan Ai Jin and Lee Rui Ci

In eHomemakers, emails are widely used. It is very important for you to organize your emails well in order to keep up with the increasing workload and maintain efficiency. Here are some video tutorials to guide you on managing your emails in Microsoft Outlook:

Converting Files

Compiled by Tan Ai Jin and Lee Rui Ci

Often when editing documents, you may have to convert files to different formats. For example, to edit a file which is originally in PDF format, you have to convert it to a Word Document to do so. Here are some useful links for you to refer to:

PDF to Word

Word to PDF


Converting Scanned Pages into Word Documents

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How To Make An Audio Blog By Using Blogger

1. Edit the recorded audio file

Use the free software, Audacity ( After editing, publish the audio file as WAV

2. Convert the audio file to MP3

Using i-Tunes, you can convert the WAV file to MP3 in order to reduce the file size

3. Upload the MP3 file to Google site

Upload it to the eHomemakers Google account.

Under home, there are “audio” page. You can upload the file on the page. Or, you can create another page. After finishing the upload, right click “download” and copy the shortcut

The shortcut will be like this:

We use only from http to mp3.

4. Enable to listen to the audio file on Blogger

Go to eHomemakers’ Blogger

New post – edit HTML mode – Past the html below

Next, change the highlighted part to the copied shortcut which is only from http to mp3.


Scanning Name Card Process

Scanning in on an A4 (Portrait)

1. Connect any scanner to the computer

2. Open any scan program (i.e. HP scan program or Windows Live Fax and Scan) and ensure that the scanner is connected; otherwise some scan programs may not open or would not scan.

3. Scanning should be on Portrait size for A4

4. Cards should be placed towards you face down and placed at the bottom half of the scanner

a) Horizontal cards should be 5 in a row

b) Vertical cards should be 3 in a row

5. Choose between 5 file types to choose from (Bitmap, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and PDF). Choose either JPEG or PDF.

6. Scan card by pressing scan button on the HP scan program

7. Once scan, review scanned image

a) Image should show on A4 Portrait size

b) Image should be showing on the left side of the A4 paper

8. Also if there are many cards, you scan them on multiple pages by pressing the Add button located in the scan program. The Add (+) button will automatically scan the cards; therefore it is required to replace the cards first.

9. If there is a mistake in scanning, you can delete and rescan image, by pressing the Remove (X) button on the scan program. Proceed to the next step if there are no mistakes.

10. To scan for both sides of the cards, scan the front side first and then hit the Add button to scan the back side of the card. You will need to flip the cards first before scanning them. Scanning is similar to the Step 8.

11. Indicate in the name that the cards are front or back (i.e. Company X front and Company Y back). To save time, no need to type full name of company, just first few alphabets for identification purposes.

12. Email with scanned images should be sent out to recipient and attach only a maximum of 6 JPEG or 6 PDF files per email. One file contains 1 page of 5 or 3 cards (front and back). IN the email, subject: type the name of the assignment

Email- Sending to recipients:

1. Not all recipients’ email can receive many attachments, and not everyone knows how to open a zip file or has zip programs.

2. Send zip files only if they know what to do. If not, to send one file at a time to be safe and with Subject that indicates the attachment name (company name in brief + filename + number of cards): XYZ 1 or XYZ 2 (XYZ is company name.) or XYZ3. The Subject is used to indicate the email sequence for tracking and monitoring purposes.

In the email, type:

Dear ,

Here is the document for data-entry – XYZdoc1 with X number of cards. Please inform the supervisor (name) after you have finished the data-entry.

Thank you.

3. If you send more than one document in one email so that the recipient can receive 2-3 (should not send more than 4 documents to be safe) attachments, your subject should be : XYZ1 or XYZ2, or XYZ3 ( to indicate the email sequence)

In the email, type:

Dear ,

Here are the documents for data-entry –

XYZdoc1 with 5 cards

XYZdoc2 with 5 cards

XYZ doc3 with 5 cards

Total cards sent in this email: 15

Please inform the supervisor (name) after you have finished the data-entry. Thank you.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Converting Scanned Pages into Word Documents

© Corpcom Services Sdn. Bhd. 2012

1. Scan the desired article (bill, receipt, invoice, etc) with a scanner or take a picture with a camera, save it to where it is easy to access and find it.

2. Preview it and check the size and the information.

3. Depending on file type (usually JPEG), right click the file and click ‘Convert to’ and select Microsoft Word.

4. Wait for the computer to convert it and it will open up Microsoft Word automatically with the converted JPEG in words with pictures.

5. Before self editing, Microsoft Word will do a spell check automatically on words that aren’t clear or unreadable. (Mostly letters, faded words and picture frames)

6. Bold and underline the title and capitalize every starting word in it so it looks standardized and neat.

7. Never forget to credit or link the source of where the information came from (Newspapers, Internet, Magazines) and the author who wrote it (If there is one). And afterwards, the date that it was published in. ( Usually Sources are placed above the main title in Web Pages). 

8. Preferably, it is better to get rid of the pictures you scanned and its captions about it for it might disrupt the format of Word Docs and the Webpage format.

Renaming Files

© Corpcom Services Sdn. Bhd. 2012

1. Right click on the folder you wish to rename and click on ‘Rename’.

2. According to the file’s contents, rename it, and also add a date to show that it was modified or changed recently for future references. Eg. (weekly report March 7-11,  weekly report April 4-8) or (this document 26 Oct, this document 23 Nov)

3. To prevent losing a file on your computer, it is advised to categorize the files you have like for example ‘Edited videos’, ‘Articles to check’. Avoid naming files that only you will understand such as 'Stuff I need to do to get a pay-raise'. 

4. Name a Folder after yourself and store all your files in there, so your work doesn’t get messed up and confused with the other previous interns or other programs.