Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Simple Video Editing

© Corpcom Services Sdn. Bhd. 2012

1. Open Windows Movie Maker, drag the video you wish to edit into the program and wait for it to load.

2. After it is loaded, watch through it and note down which parts need to be edited. Then edit which ever part necessary. 

3. If two scenes are not merged together smoothly, add fade ins or outs by going to ‘Animations’ and searching for ‘Cross-fade’. Fades can be elongated or shortened by adjusting the time of the fades. (0.2 is standard)

4. After editing, it is advised to re-check and ask someone else to come and view it before you save it. 

5. If you save the file under ‘Save Movie’, the file cannot be re-edited anymore. But by saving it as ‘Save Project’ the clip can still be edited if mistakes are found. You usually ‘Save Project’ when you cannot finish editing that day. ‘Save Movie’ is when you are sure the clip has no mistakes and is ready to be uploaded. 


- Never delete the raw files of videos and always ‘Save Project’ even after you are done editing and the video is uploaded. You never know when there is a change and the video needs to be re-uploaded.

- Always ask for someone to check your work on your computer before uploading it. Never upload your work for someone else to check. If you must, upload the video as ‘Unlisted’ so it cannot be viewed by the public.

- If you have different versions of the video, rename them to the date you completed them, so you will know which versions to use in future.

- Never upload two versions of the same video.

- Save all your raw footage, versions and audio files into one folder so it is easier to find.

- Do not use any pictures from any search engine, such as Yahoo and Google, in fear of copyright infringement.